2024 Review

Major Highlights

  • Bukuwarung (YC S21):

    • Left Bukuwarung because of unfair circumstances despite being a top performer and pushing boundaries in backend development. Professionally, I identify as a data engineer.
  • British Petroleum (BP):

    • I joined BP as a senior data engineer (remote).

    • Faced challenges working with the worst team of my career:

      • I went six months without coding for office tasks (a first in my career).

      • Previously, I had never experienced more than a two-day gap in coding.

    • Despite challenges, I had time to explore personal interests and goals.

  • Preparation for IITH:

    • Choose to prepare for the IITH Master’s in Machine Learning entrance exam instead of taking the easier route of travelling, reading, or watching shows.

    • Successfully gained admission by clearing the written exam (similar to GATE but with easy-to-medium complexity questions) and an interview.

    • This was a significant academic achievement, as I hadn’t studied formally since 2018.

  • Running Goals:

    • Maintained a consistent running routine for 8 months:

      • Ran ~4 times a week with an average pace of 7’18” (worst) to 5’50” (best).

      • Covered 2.2 km per session—good progress for a beginner.

      • Set a goal for 2025: increase to 3.2 km per session with an average pace of 6’10” (worst).

  • First Bike Trip:

    • I undertook my first bike trip with my friend Archit.

    • Rode almost 200 km in a single day despite having never ridden a bike before.

    • This was a unique and special milestone.

  • BP Contract Non-Renewal:

    • BP unexpectedly refused to renew my contract at the last moment.

    • I learned that managers often prioritize salesmanship and marketing inefficient code over actual skills and performance.

  • Weight Loss:

    • Lost 8 kg in the first two months of this phase—a personal health victory.
  • Tech Upgrade

    • bought a new laptop, a tablet, and a monitor.

Major Learnings

  • On Career and Side Hustles:

    • Life is unpredictable and unfair; you never know when you might lose your job.

    • Stop relying solely on your primary job and develop a side hustle to diversify your income sources.

  • On Measurement and Improvement:

    • "Whatever gets measured gets"managed"—tracking metrics helped improve:

      • Running speed.

      • Focus hours and productivity.

      • Screen time management.

      • Sleep duration and quality.

      • Daily steps and calorie consumption.

  • Stress Management:

    • Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) can significantly boost testosterone levels and is a game-changer for stress relief.
  • Learning from Academic Challenges:

    • Avoid passive learning methods like blindly copying notes—it’s ineffective.

    • I realized the importance of active engagement when I scored a B-grade in machine learning, which was disappointing after a history of straight-A grades.

    • Getting into IIT is easier, but surviving there is far more challenging.

    • Damn!! Normal distribution is everywhere.

  • Self-Reflection:

    • I recognized a lack of sheer determination for the things I truly want to achieve.

    • I learned that doing hard things builds confidence and resilience.

  • Resilience and emotional growth:

    • Developed greater resilience compared to previous years; now able to handle setbacks without overthinking or worrying excessively.

    • Stopped attaching negative emotions like frustration, sadness, and disappointment to work or learning activities—this shift has made learning more enjoyable.

  • Academic and Personal Achievements:

    • I completed my first semester at IITH.

    • I learned to master hard concepts and became better at tackling difficult subjects.

Things I Will Discontinue

  • Productivity Overload:

    • Avoid reading excessive productivity content, as it leads to "tutorial hell."

    • Focus on practicing existing habits instead of constantly consuming new strategies.

  • Sleep Habits:

    • Stop sleeping late at night by identifying cues that trigger bad habits.
  • Task Delegation:

    • Get out of the mindset of doing menial tasks.

    • Focus on delegating them or raising the bar for engineering excellence.

  • Overstretching:

    • Avoid forcing focus when distracted—take breaks to refresh and reset.
  • Dopamine Detox:

    • Stop pursuing dopamine detox strategies excessively.
  • Passive Learning:

    • Discontinue passive learning.

    • Leverage tools like ChatGPT/Claude to regularly build practical projects instead.

What could have been done better?

  • I could have travelled more during the initial first 4 months instead of just doing menial work; nothing helped me in life. I wasted time, I believe.

  • Instead of a B grade, I could have got a straight A. If leveraged, the correct strategies

    • plan out in advance

    • active learning strategies

  • Increase speed.

  • Stronger intent and better intensity on how badly I want something.

  • Product Thinking instead of learning a technology and spending hours working on bits and pieces, identify a product idea, build it, and then deep dive.

  • Becoming a people person and handling corporate politics like a pro.

  • Self-branding and will consistently write more technical blogs.


    • Prof. J. Saketha Nath (IITH Faculty):

      • Taught machine learning with a focus on convex optimization and linear algebra basics.

      • Conducts lectures without supplementary materials (books/slides), writing flawlessly on the board.

      • Uses sarcasm effectively to highlight mistakes, which left a lasting impression.

    • Prof. P.N. Karthik (IITH Faculty):

      • He taught probability and stochastic processes with exceptional dedication.

      • Inspired a strong interest in research through his teaching and personal research contributions.

    • My Sister:

      • Currently pursuing a PhD with one patent and one published research work.

      • Has two additional research works in progress, serving as a motivating example of academic excellence.


  • My family

  • My friends, close and acquaintances,

  • Living close to nature

  • My mind, body, and soul.

Cheers for the next year!